Virtual school on rare lung diseases 21 June 2022
Virtual school on rare lung diseases 21 June 2022
23 maja 2022

ERS Virtual School RLD (Flyer)
The European Respiratory Society is pleased to share that registration is now open for the upcoming Virtual school on rare lung diseases.
The course will take place on 21 June, 2022.
This European Respiratory Society (ERS) / European Reference Network (ERN-LUNG) collaborative course will present the latest understanding and advice on the management of rare lung diseases, including interstitial lung diseases, pulmonary hypertension, cystic fibrosis, primary ciliary dyskinesia, non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis, rare obstructive lung diseases and rare thoracic cancers.
Participants will benefit from round table discussions, case-based sessions, and the opportunity to present their pre-recorded cases and discuss them with leading experts.
For more information, please visit: